Welcome to The Office of the Commissioner for Children

The Office Promotes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which focuses on the protection of children;  ensuring the provision of necessary services and child participation.

The Office of the Commissioner for Children

The Office of the Commissioner for Children was set up in terms of the Commissioner for Children Act of 2003, to promote the welfare of children and the compliance with the UN Convention on the rights of the child, as ratified by Malta on the 26th of January 1990, and such other international treaties, conventions or agreements relating to children as are or may be ratified or otherwise acceded to by Malta.

The work carried out by the Office focuses on: the protection of children, the promotion of children’s rights, ensuring the provision of necessary services for children, and the participation of children. The office acts as a focal point which monitors the current social and cultural situation in relation to children, such that it can contribute substantially in the co-ordination that needs to take place across all sectors in order to have policies that are child oriented.






It-Tfal għandhom dritt li jinstemgħu. Ejja nisimgħuhom u verament nagħtu kas dak li qed jgħidulna!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Children have a right to be heard! Let's listen to them and really understand what they are telling us!Familja I Servizzi u Benefiċċji Soċjali I Empowering Children's Participation in Malta ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Commissioner for Children, Malta
Commissioner for Children, Malta's cover photo ... See MoreSee Less
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Last November, on the occasion of World Children's Day and the Office's 20th Anniversary, a creative competition was launched. This competition aimed to empower and encourage all children between the ages of 5 and 16 to have their say and to voice their ideas, opinions and concerns regarding their rights in the form of a poem, short story or a picture. The Office has received over 200 entries and the winners will be announced at the end of March so watch this space!...#ChildParticipation #ChildrensRights #Creative ... See MoreSee Less
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It-Tfal għandhom dritt li jgħixu f’ambjent nadif u sigur. Għandhom ikunu mdawrin b’esperjenzi pożittivi anke meta jkunu online!-----------------------------------------------------------------------Children have a right to live in a safe and clean environment surrounded by positive experiences both online and offline!...#ChildrensRights #CleanEnvironemnt #Safe Familja I Servizzi u Benefiċċji Soċjali I Empowering Children's Participation in Malta ... See MoreSee Less
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Today is World Obesity Day, a day which calls for a cross-sector response to the obesity crisis. We must work together to address child obesity. We must listen to Children and Young People for us to really understand their needs!...#Health #ChildrensRights ... See MoreSee Less
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