Welcome to The Office of the Commissioner for Children

The Office Promotes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which focuses on the protection of children;  ensuring the provision of necessary services and child participation.

The Office of the Commissioner for Children

The Office of the Commissioner for Children was set up in terms of the Commissioner for Children Act of 2003, to promote the welfare of children and the compliance with the UN Convention on the rights of the child, as ratified by Malta on the 26th of January 1990, and such other international treaties, conventions or agreements relating to children as are or may be ratified or otherwise acceded to by Malta.

The work carried out by the Office focuses on: the protection of children, the promotion of children’s rights, ensuring the provision of necessary services for children, and the participation of children. The office acts as a focal point which monitors the current social and cultural situation in relation to children, such that it can contribute substantially in the co-ordination that needs to take place across all sectors in order to have policies that are child oriented.






6 days ago

Commissioner for Children, Malta
Day three of the Rights 4U live-in discussing healthy online relationships!#ChildrensRights #ChildParticipation #OnlineSafety ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Commissioner for Children, Malta
Today we kicked off the second edition of the Rights 4U live-in with 45 young people between the ages of 13 and 15 discussing children's rights in the digital environment.#ChildrensRights #Online #UNCRC #ChildParticipation #Gozo #Fun ... See MoreSee Less
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Keep safe from drowning - Follow the tips below to stay safe at the beach or by the pool. Remember to also protect yourself from the heat - visit beattheheat.gov.mt for more information. ... See MoreSee Less
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Press Statement – Children Visiting CCF13th August 2024The Office of the Commissioner for Children has received a number of concerns from Professor Andrew Azzopardi regarding children visiting Corradino Correctional Facilities (CCF). We thank him for bringing his concerns to the attention of our Office in the best interests of children. As Commissioner, I have already made a request for information regarding these concerns so as to be able to make the necessary recommendations for the full implementation of children’s rights as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.________________________________________________________________________________________L-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju għat-Tfal irċieva t-tħassib mressaq mill-Professur Andrew Azzopardi dwar il-preżenza tat-tfal meta jmorru jżuru l-ġenituri tagħhom ġewwa l-Faċilita Korrettiva ta' Kordin. Nirringrazzjawh tal-informazzjoni li għaddielna fl-aħjar interessi tat-Tfal.Bħala Kummissarju, diġa’ għamilt talba għall-informazzjoni dwar din is-sitwazzjoni, sabiex l-Uffiċċju jkun jista’ jagħmel il-proposti meħtieġa sabiex nissalvagwardjaw id-drittijiet tat-Tfal skont il-Konvenzjoni tal-Ġnus Magħquda dwar id-Drittijiet tat-Tfal.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... See MoreSee Less
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