ENYA 2023
6th July 2023
The Office of the Commissioner for Children hosted the European Network of Young Advisors (ENYA) Forum. ENYA aims to ensure meaningful and effective child participation across the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC). The Office is the ENYA General Co-ordinator for 2023 and has been supporting other Children’s Rights Institutions from different European countries/regions in the implementation of this initiative.
The two-day forum, was held on the 4th and 5th of July and brought together 36 young people, between the ages of 12 and 17, from 18 different European Countries/ Regions. Throughout the Forum, the participants engaged in various interactive activities and discussions on the Role of Independent Children’s Rights Institutions in the Promotion and Protection of Children’s Rights.
The Forum, which is co-funded by the European Union, was officially opened by Ms Antoinette Vassallo, Commissioner for Children and Ms Salvör Nordal, ENOC Chair and Ombudsperson for Children, Iceland. They both expressed their eagerness to listen to the recommendations that the participants have put forward.
The Hon. Minister for the Family and Children’s Rights, Dr Michael Falzon also addressed the participants and their accompanying adults. The Hon. Minister spoke about the Maltese Government’s commitment towards more child participation. Dr Falzon said that ‘children are the future of society and as such they need to be present with their voice in decision making processes’. Minister Falzon praised the work done by the Office of the Commissioner for Children and assured his continuous support towards their initiatives.
Through this initiative, Children and young people, as holders of rights are enabled to participate in ENOC activities in order to share their experience, to give Ombudspersons for children a clear idea on what matters concern them and on how to ensure concretely the protection and promotion of their rights as guaranteed by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.