Merħba fl-Uffiċċju
tal-Kummissarju għat-Tfal​

L-Uffiċċju jippromwovi l-Konvenzjoni tal-Ġnus Magħquda dwar id-Drittijiet tat-Tfal li jiffoka fuq: il-protezzjoni tat-tfal, il-provediment tas-servizzi neċessarji għat-tfal, kif ukoll il-parteċipazzjoni tat-tfal.

L-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju għat-Tfal

L-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju għat-Tfal ġie mwaqqaf skont it-termini hekk kif imniżżla fl-Att Dwar il-Kummissarju għat-Tfal tal-2003, sabiex jippromwovi il-benesseri tat-tfal u li jkun hemm konformità mal-Konvenzjoni tal-Ġnus Magħquda Dwar id-Drittijiet tat-Tfal, hekk kif ratifikata minn Malta fis-26 ta’ Jannar tal-1990. Dan jgħodd ukoll għal kwalunkwe tip ta’ trattati internazzjonali, konvenzjonijiet u arranġamenti li għandhom x’jaqsmu mat-tfal, hekk kif inhuma jew kif jiġu ratifikati jew aċċettati minn Malta.

Ix-xogħol tal-Uffiċċju jiffoka fuq: il-protezzjoni tat-tfal, il-promozzjoni tad-drittijiet tat-tfal, li jassikura lit-tfal ikollhom dawk is-servizzi neċessarji għalihom, kif ukoll il-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom speċjalment f’temi li jolqtuhom direttament. L-Uffiċċju jaħdem billi jkun punt ta’ referenza li jsegwi b’reqqa is-sitwazzjoni soċjali u kulturali fejn jidħlu t-tfal, sabiex jgħin b’mod sostanzjali fil-ko-ordinazzjoni ta’ ħidma li hija neċessarja f’oqsma differenti sabiex din tkun iffukata primarjament fuq il-ħtigijiet tat-tfal.


Tfal u Żgħażagħ






Midja soċjali

🌟🌍 Happy World Children’s Day 2024! 🎉Today, we celebrate the voices, dreams, and rights of children around the world!🗣️💙 Children have the power to inspire, create, and shape better communities both for the present and the future, it all starts with us listening to them. 🌈👉 On this special day, let’s make a commitment: to truly listen to children, respect their opinions, and amplify their voices. Every child deserves to be seen, heard, and valued🕊️💡📣 Share your thoughts and ideas on how we can foster child participation in our communities.#WCD2024 #WorldChildrensDay #ChildParticipation #EveryChildCounts #EmpowerChildren🌟🌍 Jum Dinji tat-Tfal it-Tajjeb 2024! 🎉Illum, niċċelebraw il-vuċijiet, il-ħolm, u d-drittijiet tat-tfal madwar id-dinja!🗣️💙 It-tfal għandhom il-poter li jispiraw, joħolqu, u jiffurmaw komunitajiet aħjar kemm għal-lum kif ukoll għall-futur, u dan kollu jibda billi nisimgħuhom. 🌈👉 F’dan il-jum speċjali, ejjew nieħdu impenn: biex verament nisimgħu lit-tfal, nirrispettaw l-opinjonijiet tagħhom, u nsaħħu l-vuċijiet tagħhom. Kull tifel u tifla jistħoqqilhom jidhru, jinstemgħu, u jiġu vvalutati. 🕊️💡📣 Aqsam il-ħsibijiet u l-ideat tiegħek dwar kif nistgħu nsaħħu l-parteċipazzjoni tat-tfal fil-komunitajiet tagħna. ... See MoreSee Less
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🌟🌍 Tomorrow is World Children's Day! 🎉 This year’s theme is Listening to the Future! Children have a right to share their ideas and to be part of important decisions. Every child has a voice, and it matters! 👂 Children have a right to participate in Decision-making! Let’s create a world that values and respects every voice.📣 Join us in promoting a world where children are not just seen but heard! Share your thoughts and ideas on how we can foster child participation in our communities. #WCD2024 #WorldChildrensDay #ChildParticipation #EveryChildCounts #EmpowerChildren 🌟🌍 Għada huwa Jum Dinji tat-Tfal! 🎉It-tema ta’ din is-sena hija Nisimgħu l-Futur! It-tfal għandhom id-dritt li jaqsmu l-ideat tagħhom u jkunu parti mid-deċiżjonijiet importanti. Kull tifel u tifla għandhom leħen, u dan jgħodd!👂 It-tfal għandhom id-dritt li jipparteċipaw fit-teħid ta' Deċiżjonijiet! Ejjew noħolqu dinja li tgħożż u tirrispetta kull leħen.📣 Ingħaqad magħna biex nippromwovu dinja fejn it-tfal mhux biss jidhru imma wkoll jinstemgħu! Aqsam il-ħsibijiet u l-ideat tiegħek dwar kif nistgħu nsaħħu l-parteċipazzjoni tat-tfal fil-komunitajiet tagħna. ... See MoreSee Less
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Today, on the Occasion of the World Day for the Prevention of and healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence, the Office of the Commissioner for Children, in collaboration with the Ministry for Social Policy and Children's Rights, launched the first phase of the research study 'Children and the Impact of Technology on the their Wellbeing' being carried out by the Faculty for Social Wellbeing within the University of Malta.During the press launch, the Commissioner for Children, Ms Antoinette Vassallo, spoke about the opportunities that technology provides even in the prevention and protection efforts against online child sexual abuse. However, she also expressed concern over the risk of mis-use of emerging technologies which may have a great impact on the lives of children.Dr Roberta Attard, Deputy Dean, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, presented the findings of first phase of the study. She reported that the results showed that evidently, the impact of technology on children's lives in Malta is multifaceted, offering both advantages and significant challenges. The findings underscore the profound influence digital tools have on children’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development as digital devices become integral to children's lives, often from a very young age.Hon. Dr Michael Falzon, Minister for Social Policy and Children's Rights, spoke about the importance of policies based on empirical studies, that reflect society’s needs and challenges. "Children do not represent only future generations, but they are also today’s present. We must strive forward in promoting a balance between human and digital contact’’, Minister Michael Falzon said. ... See MoreSee Less
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🌟🌍 Only 3 days left until World Children's Day! 🎉 This year’s theme is Listening to the Future! Children have a right to share their ideas and to be part of important decisions. Every child has a voice, and it matters! 👂 Every child has a unique point of view—whether it’s about their dreams, their community, or the world around them. 🌟 Let’s make space for children to share their Opinions and encourage them to express themselves.🌍✨📣 Join us in promoting a world where children are not just seen but heard! Share your thoughts and ideas on how we can foster child participation in our communities. #WCD2024 #WorldChildrensDay #ChildParticipation #EveryChildCounts #EmpowerChildren 🌟🌍 Fadal biss 3 ijiem sa Jum Dinji tat-Tfal! 🎉It-tema ta’ din is-sena hija Nisimgħu l-Futur! It-tfal għandhom id-dritt li jaqsmu l-ideat tagħhom u jkunu parti mid-deċiżjonijiet importanti. Kull tifel u tifla għandhom leħen, u dan jgħodd!👂 Kull tifel u tifla għandhom perspettiva unika—kemm jekk dwar il-ħolm tagħhom, il-komunità tagħhom, jew id-dinja ta’ madwarhom.🌟 Ejjew noħolqu spazji għat-tfal biex jaqsmu l-Opinjonijiet tagħhom u ninkoraġġuhom biex jesprimu ruħhom. 🌍✨📣 Ingħaqad magħna biex nippromwovu dinja fejn it-tfal mhux biss jidhru imma wkoll jinstemgħu! Aqsam il-ħsibijiet u l-ideat tiegħek dwar kif nistgħu nsaħħu l-parteċipazzjoni tat-tfal fil-komunitajiet tagħna. ... See MoreSee Less
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Messaġġ mill-Kummissarju għat-Tfal dwar il-Jum Dinji għat-TfalMessage from the Commissioner for Children on World Children's Day ... See MoreSee Less
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