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21st July 2023
The Positive Parenting and Strengthening of the Family Committee organised an event in collaboration with the Office of the Commissioner for Children with the aim of listening to children and their families.
This event created a platform for children and families to share their ideas and experiences on parenting and to identify the needs and challenges faced. The discussions focused on how children could be better equipped to deal with peer pressure.
The event, which was held as the Esplora Interactive Science Centre, brought together children between the ages of 10 and 13 as well as their parents/guardians. Team building activities were held for children and adults to work together, however the children and adults also had the opportunity to engage in discussions separately. The discussions were facilitated by Prof. Angela Abela and Ms Suzanne Garcia Imbernon from Office of the Commissioner for Children.
The ideas and experiences shared by the participants will be presented to the Commissioner for Children and members of the Positive Parenting and Strengthening of the Family Committee. This feedback will be implemented in their work so as to find effective ways to support children and their families.